Diploma papers
Formal requirements
Diploma papers (engineer’s and master’s level) must be entered in the computer system of the University (USI) no later than:
- 15 January, for programmes ending in the winter semester;
- 15 June, for programmes ending in the summer semester;
Not entering the file in the system or not submitting to the Dean’s Office a request for the postponed date of entering the diploma paper within a set deadline effects in removal from the list of students. **
* Art. 33 point 1 of the Study Regulations at West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
** Art. 42 point 3 of the Study Regulations at West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
Procedure for postponing the date of diploma paper submission at WTiICh
According to the Study Regulations valid from October 1, 2022
RESOLUTION NO. 96 of the Senate of West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin of 25 April 2022:
- First postponing the date of submission - in special cases, at the request of the student, with a positive opinion of the diploma paper supervisor, the dean may postpone the date of uploading of the diploma paper into the USI for a period not exceeding three months (§ 33, point 4).
- Next postponing the date of submission - In a fortuitous event, at the request of the student and with a positive opinion from the supervisor of the paper, the dean may only once postpone the date of uploading the diploma paper specified in section 4.
In case of prolongation of the date of submission of the diploma paper, pursuant to § 33 section 4 or section 5, the diploma examination should be conducted no later than 2 months from the date of admission to diploma examination subject to the requirements contained in § 35.
Procedure of certifying at WTiICh
ORDINANCE NO 80 issued by the Rector of the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) in Szczecin on June 13th, 2022, regarding the Procedure of certifying at ZUT.
1. A student uploads in the UIS (electronic dean's office, e-dziekanat):
- a file with the diploma paper and informs the supervisor about it
- enters a summary of their work along with the key words (also translated into Polish) used in the disertation file
2. Disertation (Diploma paper):
- The supervisor shall, within 5 days of the student uploading the paper to the USI, check the paper and mark it in the USI as approved, assigning the status "Accepted".
- Within 3 days of the supervisor's acceptance of the paper in the system, the student must download, print and submit the paper in a hard copy to the dean's office. At the request of the supervisor or reviewer, the student additionally submits the paper in a hard copy to the requesters.
- Written diploma paper shall be verified in terms of counteracting the infringement of copyright and related rights using the Uniform Antiplagiarism System (JSA) within the time limit specified by the Rector
- The date of submission of the diploma paper is the date on which the supervisor generates a general report from the JSA on the outcome of the diploma paper examination.
3. Reviewing the diploma paper:
- The diploma paper is reviewed by the supervisor and the reviewer.
- Reviewer writes a review of the dissertation either downloaded from USI or submitted by the student, and hands it over in paper to the dean’s office, as well as uploads it on USI.
- The dissertation is also reviewed by the supervisor who, within the period of 7 days since the paper gets approved of on USI, writes a review of the dissertation and hands it over to the dean’s office in paper, as well as uploads it on USI.
A FEE FOR THE ADDITIONAL COPY OF THE DIPLOMA in a chosen foreign language (English, German, Russian, French, Spanish):
- 20,- PLN - for the graduates
- 20,- PLN - for the graduates*
*Point 3 of Communication no. 7 of the Rector of ZUT of March 1, 2021r.
A diploma paper in the electronic version should meet the following requirements:
- has to be identical with a paper version (e.g. the use of watermarks is not allowed)
- has to be saved in one PDF file without any security measures and ready to be searched through its full content,
- the size of the file may not exceed 20 MB, and together with appendices 60 MB,
- has to include keywords in Polish and English.
A required layout of the diploma paper:
- Title page.
- Abstract and keywords (not more than five) in Polish. They should be included in the diploma paper uploaded to the Dean’s Office.
- Table of contents.
- Introduction and the aim of the paper (it should include introduction to the subject, the aim should be clearly formulated and should justify the choice of the subject).
- Literature part (a review of the scientific literature connected with the subject).
- Experimental part (e.g. a description of the used reagents and materials, applied research methods, analytical instrumentation etc.).
Results and discussion (description of the achieved results; reference to the literature of the analyzed research subject).
- Conclusions (summary) (listed in points a short summary of the results achieved in the conducted research).
- References (bibliography) – should include only sources used in the paper (scientific articles, academic study books, regulations, manuals, www websites). Depending on the supervisor’s recommendations a list of literature cited in the paper may be arranged in the alphabetic order), according to the author’s surname (first author, e.g. Kowalski at all 2015) or according to the order of citations in the text (e.g. referred with the number [1]).
- Appendices (e.g. tables, diagrams etc. not included in the text).
Editing requirements:
- font - Times New Roman, Arial, Franklin, Gothic Book
- font size - 12 (chapter titles - 14), the justified text,
- space between the lines - 1,5 line,
- top margin - 2,5 cm,
- bottom margin- 2,5 cm,
- left margin (for the cover) - 3,0 cm,
- right margin - 1,5 cm,
- page numeration at the bottom,
- chapters should start from a new page,
- the paper submitted in the Dean’s Office has to be double printed and bounded, however the copies submitted to the supervisor and to the reviewer should be single printed.
Downloadable forms
Application for entering diploma exam and specifying its date (format: docx, rozmiar: 23 kB)
Application for the diploma project to have „classified” status (attachment no. 7)
Application to change diploma topic, diploma supervisor (attachment no. 3) (format: docx, rozmiar: 18.45 kB)
Approving of dissertation subjects (attachment no.1) (format: docx, rozmiar: 15.64 kB)
Declaration of the author of diploma (attachment no. 4) (format: docx, rozmiar: 15.86 kB)
Form for submitting a dissertation subject by a third party (attachment no. 2) (format: docx, rozmiar: 17.34 kB)
Superviser's opinion regarding diploma project (attachment no. 5) (format: docx, rozmiar: 14.25 kB)
The front page of a dissertation (attachment no. 6) (format: docx, rozmiar: 15.87 kB)
Prolonging of diploma thesis submission (format: docx, rozmiar: 16.72 kB)
Application for postponing the deadline for the diploma thesis submission Vice-Dean (format: docx, rozmiar: 16.07 kB)
Application for the issuance of the graduation diploma (format: doc, rozmiar: 36 kB)
Thesis review (format: doc, rozmiar: 39 kB)
List of activities to be performed before set the date for the diploma examination at WTiICh (format: docx, rozmiar: 16.38 kB)