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Rules of participation in the classes conducted with the use of distance education methods and techniques at the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering 26.10.2020 16:05

Rules of participation in the classes conducted with the use of distance education methods and techniques at the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering

  1. The classes conducted with the use of distance education methods and techniques (abbreviated ‘online classes’) at WTiICh take place with adoption of MS Teams application or other educational platforms approved by the university to be used for conducting this sort of classes.
  2. Online classes are initiated by the teacher, students join the meeting opened by the teacher who conducts the classes.
  3. Online classes start according to the schedule published in the electronic Dean’s Office system.
  4. While joining online classes a student should be visible and hearable (a camera and a microphone turned on in the device) in order to be identified properly by an academic teacher conducting the classes.
  5. Recording classes is not allowed. Materials shared by an academic teacher through MS Teams or other educational platform or the electronic Dean’s Office system are given to a student for personal use only. Publishing the content of the lectures online will be related with launching a disciplinary procedure towards a student/students.
  6. In case of technical problems with joining online classes a student is obliged to contact the teacher conducting the classes e.g. via electronic mail.
  7. Each student is obliged to participate in the classes actively.
  8. If a student wants to speak during the classes or to ask a teacher for more explanation in a given theme he/she should  ‘raise his/her hand’ function available in MS Teams.
  9. In the course of online classes a student should not work or perform any actions not related to the process of education.
  10. For the time of online classes a student should find a place with proper conditions for learning (silence, lack of distracting stimuli).
  11. During online classes a student should have all communicators, applications and websites not related to the classes turned off.
  12. A teacher conducting online classes is obliged to consult students. Students may send their questions in a form of e-mails, messages or chats. The contact of students with a teacher is possible within the university working hours (customary between 7.30 and 15.30) in set duty hours or in other specified time.


Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering

professor Rafał Rakoczy